Can free zone companies do business in Dubai mainland?

If you are a services company you can do both B2B and B2C with Dubai Mainland, although if you are dealing in trading of products or goods you can only do B2B with Mainland. 


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Yes, some select free zone companies can do business in Dubai mainland, but they will require necessary approvals from the free zone. 

That being said, many free zones do not permit direct business in mainland Dubai. They are only permitted to trade internationally or with other companies based in the same free zone. Non-compliance can lead to fines of as much as AED 100,000. However, there are a number of ways that free zone companies can trade with the mainland if they decide they would like to.

These include:

  • Find a mainland logistics partner who can move goods within the UAE for you.

  • Free zone-based e-commerce companies can use a courier or delivery partner for delivering goods in the UAE.

  • You can also set up a branch of your business on the mainland, through which you can trade with companies in Dubai (it must have the same name and activities as your free zone company).

If you base yourself at Meydan Free Zone, we can advise you on the best way for your company to trade with mainland Dubai.

Get in touch today!

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