Can the solar panel be installed in the house where the tress work is done as part of the KSEB Soura scheme?

It can be done in Model 2,at the customer's expense,with 40% subsidy.

Model II of KSEB SOURA Subsidy scheme

Consumer owns the solar plant and can consume entire energy generated form the solar plant. You can claim up to 40% of the plant cost as subsidy based on your solar plant capacity. See table below.

SOURA Subsidy Model II KSEB Scheme

Eligibility Criteria: All domestic consumers are eligible for this project.

Plant Capacity: Minimum Plant Capacity should be 2kWp

Economical: You can claim upto 40% of the plant cost as subsidy based on your solar plant capacity.

Fees: Application Fee of INR 1000 + GST

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