For 3KW plant, how much is the cost in KSEB Soura scheme?

As per the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)  issued guidelines, the maximum amount the empanelled service providers of KSEB can quote is INR 54000 for 1 kWp. As there will be reverse bidding option to select the lowest bidder, there is a chance that the cost might go below this amount.

If we take an assumption of INR 50000 for 1 kWp, so for 3 kWp, it might be INR 1.5 lakh. If you are opting for model 2, you will get a subsidy of 40% as well. So you need to pay around INR 90000 for Model 2.

Disclaimer: These are based on rough calculations and actual cost may vary based on multiple factors.

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