How can i get GSTIN on a residential property for e-commerce seller? i have applied but there are asking more documents like NOC from authority, society etc. What to do?

You have to provide the following as proof of principal place of business:

If the property is owned by you or on consent:

  • Legal ownership document/Index copy; or
  • Electricity Bill/Municipal Tax Receipt/Municipal Khata Copy.
  • NOC/Consent Letter of the owner shall be required if the property is not owned by you.

If the property is rented by you:

  • Duly notarized rent agreement; and 
  • Electricity Bill/Municipal Tax Receipt/Municipal Khata Copy.

However, NOC from authority/society is not required under any law!

Note: If providing a Consent letter, it should also be notarized on Rs. 50 stamp paper.

Feel free to get in touch in case of any doubts: +91 9033377645

We at Smart Financial Services can help you in replying to the notice!


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