How can I know the name and date of registration of the previous owner of our land in Kerala?

You have to apply for the encumbrance certificate. The encumbrance certificate contains all the transactions registered relating to a particular property for a period (as required). It will help to know the proper entitlement of a particular property.

You can also get details of the previous owner if you have the document number, by following the below steps.

Kerala Land Records Online

  • Click on Queries.
  • Click on View. Then Click on Document.
  • Enter the name of District, Sub-registrar Office, Year and Document Number

Kerala Land Records Online Document Number

  • Enter the captcha
  • Click on Search to view the details of the land.

Kerala Land Records Online Aadharam

  • You can see the details of the Claimant. Executant, Property and Previous Document
  • From the Previous Document Details, you get the previous Document Number and Year of registration. You can repeat this process again with these details to find the details of the previous owner of the land.

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