How do I get a Certified copy of my Marriage Certificate in Karnataka?

We can get a copy of marriage certificate online on Kaveri Online Services. Follow the below procedure to get a copy

On the home page, click on “Start a New Application”, we highlighted in arrow mark, in the below image for your reference.

Click on CERTIFIED COPY - (ONLINE CC), refer to the below image.

In Prerequisite for CC, Click on Continue, refer to the below image

Before we proceed further, let's understand the abbreviation of registration number because the registration number reveals the required data to fill application further

For example: The marriage registration number is BYP-HMXXX–2021–22, This registration number consists of four pieces of information, that are:

  1. Sub-registrar Office
  2. Marriage Type
  3. Document Number
  4. Year of Registration

BYP: Every sub-registrar office has a short name. BYP is the short name of Byatarayanapura sub-rgistrar office which comes in Gandhinagar District Jurisdiction in Bengaluru Urban

  • HM: is the abbreviation of Hindu Marriage, similarly we have abbreviations for two more marriage types, they are:

SM - Special Marriage

SO - Special Other Marriage

  • XXX: is the unique identity number. This number is called “Document Number”.
  • 2021–22: is the year of registration

Now let us fill out the application based on the registration number BYP-HMXXX–2021–22

  • DOCUMENT TYPE: Select Marriage Registrationfrom dropdown list
  • Marriage Type: Selected Hindu Marriage (Select your marriage type)
  • DISTRICT: Selected Gandhinagar (Select the District where your marriage was registered)
  • SUB REGISTER OFFICE: Selected Byatarayanapura (Select the sub-registrar office where your marriage was registered)
  • DOCUMENT NUMBER: Entered XXX, (Enter your unique identity number)
  • YEAR OF REGISTRATION: Selected 2021–22, (Select the year of your marriage registration)

Below is the filled application, refer to the below image:

Click on Search. Refer to the arrow mark in above image

Information copy displays. If the information copy belongs to you,

Check the Terms & Conditions and Click on Proceed, refer to the arrow marks in below image

Click on Make Payment and Pay the government fee of Rs. 90, refer to the below image

Click on e-sign

The page directs to Aadhar based OTP authentication. refer to below image

After the successful OTP authentication, click on Submit

The certified copy will be ready for download within 3–4 working days.

Login to Kaveri Online Services and find the Download option on the home page. We highlighted the download option in below image for your reference

Your marriage certificate copy downloads in PDF.

For assistance, please WhatsApp to +91-9742479020

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