How do I start an export business in Kerala?

Vinod Vinod
Answered on January 29,2021

If an establishment availed acknowledgment certificate from K-SWIFT portal, it will be exempted from approvals for a period of 3 years from departments mentioned below:

1. The Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 (13 of 1994)
2. The Kerala Municipality Act, 1994 (20 of 1994)
3. The Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1960 (34 of 1960)
4. The Kerala Lift and Escalators Act, 2013 (18 of 2013)
5. Travancore – Cochin Public Health Act, 1955 (XVI of 1955)
6. Madras Public Health Act, 1939 (3 of 1939)  

All other licenses and approvals have to be availed according to the standard procedure.

For Exporting and Importing goods or raw materials directly, a firm needs to have a registered IEC (Import Export Code). Kindly try to get an IE Code for your establishment.

General documents required in case of proprietorship are as follows,

1.Digital Photograph (3x3cms) of the Proprietor.
2.Copy of PAN card of the Proprietor.
3.Copy of Passport (first & last page)/Voter’s I-Card/ Driving Licence/UID (Aadhar card) (any one of these).
4.Sale deed in case business premise is self-owned; or Rental/Lease Agreement, in case office is rented/ leased; or latest electricity /telephone bill.
5.Bank Certificate as per ANF 2A(I)/ Cancelled Cheque bearing pre-printed name of applicant and A/C No.

Kindly go through the DGFT website for further updates regarding the same.

SourceThis answer is provided by Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation.
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