How much does it cost to get a power of attorney registered in Bangalore for a property in Kerala?

Cost Rs. 400 (Government charge)+ Scanning fee +Advocate fee

Following are the government charges to register power of Attorney (POA) in Bangalore

  • Stamp Duty : Rs. 200

  • Registration fee : Rs. 200

  • Scanning Fee Rs. 30 per page

Government charges including scanning fee paid through K2 challan

POA is executed on document paper, a document paper cost around Rs.5 per sheet. You may require unto 10 document sheet to execute a registered POA.

Printing cost around Rs. 10.

Advocate fee for drafting the POA + assistance to register the POA. Advocate fee is variable cost and it depends on individual. It may cost around Rs. 3K.

A registered POA looks like the below image,

PoA Property Kerala Bangalore

Power of Attorney registered Property in Kerala Bangalore

Bangalore PoA Property Kerala

Karnataka PoA Property Kerala Bangalore

Kerala PoA Property Bangalore

Power of Attorney Kerala Bangalore Property

Power of Attorney Kerala Bangalore Property Karnataka online


We provide end to end assistance to register the POA in Bangalore. To opt for our service, please WhatsApp to + 9 1 - 9 7 4 2 4 7 9 0 2 0.

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