How to get license for amusement from Home Department in Karnataka?

Name of the Department HOME DEPARTMENT
Name of the Service License for Amusement
Whom to approach for this service (Designated Officer)? SHO/CPI/SDPO/AAO IN DPO/AO/AAO IN COPs
Procedure involved to get this service

1. Sumbitting the application.

2. Forwarding to concerned PS.

3. Verification of place.

4. Situation report.

5. Relevant Documents verification.

6. Forwarding to the same to ACP DySP.

7. Verification by ACP DySP.

8. Forwarding the same to COP SP/.

9. Verification of all the above and for orders

Who are eligible to get this service citizen
Documents to be enclosed with the request

1 . Name and address of the applicant 2noc from local authorities BBMP CMC TMC fire electrical PWD 3 details of amusements place measurement show timings 4 fees paid challan 5 site plan or sketch

2 . Name and address of the applicant 2 NOC from local authorities like BBMP CMC TMC fire electrical PWD 3 details of amusements place measurement show timings 4 fees paid challan 5 site plan or sketch

Fee/Charges to be paid to get the service Rs 1500
Maximum number of days to wait to get this service delivered 15 Working Days
Whom to approach as a appeal (Competent Officer), if the service is not delivered in time or rejected by officer CPI/SDPO/Addl SP/SP/Zonal DCPs/DCP(Admin) in Blore City/DCP(LO) in other Commissionaretes
Maximum number of days to wait to get the decision of the Competent Officer 30 Working Days
Whom to approach as 2nd appeal (Appellate Authority), if the decision of the Competent officer is not acceptable or not implemented? SDPO/Addl SP/SP/Zonal DCPs/Addl CP(Admin) in Blore City/DCP(LO)/CP in other Comm/IGP Range
Maximum no. of days to wait to get the decision of Appellate Authority 30 Working Days
Other information

Work Flow



No. of Days



1 receipt of application 2 forwarding to the concern PS


Superintendent of Police


Verification of place and situation and documents by PS and forwarding to SDPO


Police Inspector/Circle Police Inspector


Verification of the PS report by SDPO and forwarding to DPO


Deputy Superintendent of Police/Assistant Commissioner of Police


Verification of the PS report by SDPO and forwarding to DPO final disposal by cop in city limit SP in the districts


Superintendent of Police

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