I am a differently-abled person with a right arm paralyzed (70%) ortho, (can't use the right arm for driving). I am having Maruthi Suzuki swift lxi manual transmission car. even without any alteration, I am able to drive it. I went to the time RTO and enquired about the provisions for having a driving license. he responded positively and assured me that there is provision for it in rules, first I have to obtain a medical certificate from a medical board certifying my ability to ride the vehicle, thereafter all things will be taken care of by the MVD. but when I approached the medical board for differently abled in tvm general hospital, they are denying me the certificate, as they are saying that even a person without two leg can have it but I can't. i don,t understand the logic behind this. What to do?

Convince the board, or challenge their decision at Court.

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Sarthi Parivahan Sewa 2024- Driving License, Vehicle Information

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH) has been instrumental in automating more than 1300 Road Transport Offices (RTOs) nationwide. These RTOs issue essential documents, inclu..
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