I am a freelance software developer. Do I have to register for GST if my revenue is above 20 lakhs but all my earnings are from clients located abroad? I do not have any clients in India.

Yes, you have to get GST registration if your turnover crosses Rs. 20 lakhs. If all your clients are located outside India - it will be treated as export of services which is taxable at 0%. 


  • For export of services to be taxed @ 0% a Letter of Undertaking (LuT) is required to be issued on the portal after registration. 
  • For issuing LuT you must fulfil certain conditions while transacting with your clients.

Hence, I would recommend you to consult a tax professional to guide you with GST registration & its compliances.

Hope this helps!

Feel free to contact me for any queries @ +91 90333 77645


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