I have applied for the passport. Police verification has been completed. However police is now asking for birth certificate. I am 59 years and my year of birth is 1965. I can't get the birth certificate. What do I do now? WILL I not get my passport without birth certificate

Police officials are not authorized to ask for Birth certificate. Because Police verification means they can only verify applicant's address whether the applicant is residing in the given address or not and check the applicants crime records whether there is any pending case against him or not. You will get your passport. Don't worry. If they rejected your file on the ground of not providing the birth certificate you can file a RTI application and you can also approach a competent authority or Court.

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How to get Passport in India? - Online Application, Police Verification,Tracking & Delivery

A passport is a travel document, usually issued by a country's government to its citizens, that certifies the identity and nationality of its holder primarily for the purpose of internationa..
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