I have changed my daughter's name once in Kerala. Earlier there were 3 parts to name. Now it is 2 parts. Do I  have option to change it a second time too?

A child's name once entered in the birth register can be corrected once before enrolling the child in school. Parents should submit a joint application to the Panchayat/Municipality along with the following documents to correct the name.

1) Photo ID of applicants.

2) Birth certificates of the child if previously issued. (This requirement is to prevent holding different certificates)

3) In case of loss of the  previously issued , an affidavit of Rs.200/- in respect thereof.

4) Affidavit on white paper stating the circumstances of correction of the name once entered in the birth register.

5) Compounding fee Rs.50.

6) Stamp duty of Rs.50 for new certificate and certificate fee of Rs.5 should be paid.

If the child is enrolled in a school, the name can be changed only as per the school record. The conditions are the same as above. The affidavit in Serial No. 3 should be given under a stamp of Rs.200 and the school document specifying the name of the child should also be produced.

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