I have lost my pan. While applying, by mistake i got a new pan card. Can i change pan card number with bank account?

You have to surrender your PAN card which is not in use! If you don't remember your old PAN Number, you can contact Income Tax Office in your locality to get the same.

Procedure for surrendering Pan Card:

1. Make an affidavit with details of both your pan cards, that you had applied for another Pan card by mistake.

2. Write an application (similar to the affidavit) stating all the facts (New & Old Pan card, reason, and the PAN card that you want to keep).

3. Submit all the documents (1, 2 above) along with self-certified copies of your Pan Card - to the Income Tax Office in your locality.

Note: You have to apply in your specific IT ward.

PS: There is a penalty upto Rs. 10,000/- for holding more than 1 PAN card.

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