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If an employer, who is not paying basic wages and cost of living allowance separately as fixed under the Act but who is paying wages more than prescribed minimum rates under the Act, committing any illegality?
If an employer, who is not paying basic wages and cost of living allowance separately as fixed under the Act but who is paying wages more than prescribed minimum rates under the Act, committing any illegality?
Answered on February 14,2020
Answered on February 14,2020
The minimum rate of wages fixed under the Act is remuneration payable to the worker as one package of fixed amount, neither the scheme of the Act nor any provision of the Act provides that the rate of minimum wages is to be split into basic wages and cost of living allowance. Therefore, where an employer is paying total sum which is higher than the minimum rate of wages fixed under the Act including cost of living allowance, the employer is not committing any illegality.
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