Is there any format to submit ideas on YIP 6.0?

Please be informed that there is a specific format for submitting your ideas in YIP (Youth Innovation Programme). For detailed instructions, kindly refer to the YIP 6.0 Registration Manual, which is available in the drive: YIP 6.0 Registration Manual.

Kindly note that submissions for Category 1 school students' ideas were closed on January 31st, with a total of 10,655 ideas received. If you are a school student, you are no longer able to submit ideas. However, Categories 2 to 4, which include arts and science colleges, universities, engineering colleges, polytechnics, ITIs, etc., are still eligible to submit ideas, and the deadline for submission is March 20th, 2024. Please note that the registration for idea submission will be disabled once the deadline for submission is reached.

For any assistance, please reach out to your District Executive. You can find the contact details by visiting


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