Is there any relaxation on KSUM productization grant being not used for salaries of founding team or not to allocate more than 50 percent for manpower cost ? For a tech startup, major cost is manpower cost and there will be only limited employees at this stage who all are part of founding team.

As per the guideline, Idea Grant cannot be used for 

1. Payment of rent and other utility charges 
2.Purchase of assets 
3.Purchase of costly devices (will be allowed to use devices available with KSUM and its member IEDC’s or incubators) 
4.Patenting expenses (Innovators can apply for the patent reimbursement scheme)
5. Grant cannot be used for manpower payment.

For the productization grant

1. 50 percent of the granted fund can be used for manpower cost but cannot be used for Salaries for the founding team

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