I’ve misplaced my property/house (in Bangalore) documents. What is the process now?

Answered on August 17,2021
The process is so simple and easy.
We will help you to get back all your property documents right now from the comfort of your home.
Let me give you a real example that how we extracted the lost document.
Mrs. Maridi Ramya lost her sale deed. She didn’t even remember the registration number of sale deed to apply for a certified copy.
Mrs. Maridi Ramya contacted us to extract her lost document.
All we have is her property address. The address is Flat No. XXX, _rd Floor, E- Block, Concorde Amber apartment, Hadosiddapura village, Varthur Hobli, East, Taluk, Chikkakannalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560035.
We followed the below step by step procedure to extract the documents
Step 1: Extract the encumbrance certificate (EC). We just need the following information to extract EC
Name of buyer or seller
Property address
Step 2: We opened the Kaveri Online services to extract the EC. Below is the image of home page.
Step 3: Click on “Online EC”. Refer to the below in circle.
Step 4: Click on “Search by Party Name (Seller/Purchaser/claimant)”. Refer to the below image in circle.
Step 5: Select the registration date if you know the date of registration or select the closes date and year of property registration
If you are still not aware of closest date and year, Just select the From date as 1st April 2004 and To date as today’s date. Refer to the below image in circle.
Step 6: Based on the property address given by Mrs. Maridi Ramya, this property comes under Bangalore Urban.
(Address: Flat No. XXX, _rd Floor, E- Block, Concorde Amber apartment, Hadosiddapura village, Varthur Hobli, East, Taluk, Chikkakannalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560035. )
In district category, We selected “Bangalore urban” from dropdown list.
In village category, We typed Hadosiddapura. Hobli and sub-register office pop-up automatically. Refer to the below image in circle.
Step 7: Type seller or buyer name. In my case, Mrs. Maridi Ramya is Buyer so we typed her name.
Select “I want to view document and apply for digitally signed copy”. (Refer to below image)
Click “Search”. Refer to below image in circle.
Step 8: Below is the image of extracted carbon copy of encumbrance certificate (EC).
In the extracted EC, we have all the details of property which include property registration number and khata number. Refer to the circle in below image.
Step 9: You may proceed ahead and apply for signed copy of encumbrance. Refer to the below image in circle.
The application fee depends on number of years of encumbrance. However, since the year 2004 cost Rs. 250 per EC.
Now let's focus on obtaining sale deed copy
Step 10: Go to the home page of Kaveri Online service. Below image for your reference.
Step 11: Click on “Online CC”. Refer to the below image in circle.
Step 12: Below is the image of the application form. Just below the image, we explained in-depth details to fill the application.
In Document type: Select “Document registration” from drop-down list
In District: Select Bengaluru urban or Bengaluru Rural. In my case, it’s Bengaluru Urban as Mrs. Maridi Ramya’s property located in urban.
- In Sub Registrar Office: Select the name of the sub-registrar office where the property was registered.
In my case, as per the address given by Mrs. Maridi Ramya, there are 8 sub-registar office comes under this property jurisdiction We searched the certified copy by selecting each and every sub-registrar office separately and finally we arrived that property was registered in Indiranagar sub-registrar office. Below was the list of sub-registrar office comes under the jurisdiction of Hadosiddapura village
In Document Number: Typed the property registration number that we traced in encumbrance certificate above. (We encircled the registration number in below image)
In Book type: Referring to encumbrance certificate traced above, the property registered in book-1 so we select Book-1 from dropdown list (Book type and registration number are in one single line encircled in below image)
- In Year Of Registration: As per the encumbrance certificate traced above, the date of property registration was 24th December 2020. We selected the year of registration as 2020–21 (We encircled the year in below image. The book number, registration number, and year of registration are in one single line in below image)
Below is the image of the filled application.
Check For Signed CC and Click on “Search”
Below image is the extracted sale deed. Click on the download button to download the copy. Refer to the below image in cirlce for download option.
Step 13: Click on the “Proceed” to get the signed of sale deed copy. A signed sale deed copy cost Rs. 400/-. Refer to the below image in circle.
This completes the procedure to extract the sale deed copy.
We provide end-to-end assistance to extract encumbrance certificates and sale deed-certified copies.
To opt for our service, please Whatsapp to + 9 1 - 9 7 4 2 4 7 9 0 2 0.
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