My mother in law, who is 80 years Old and a Patient also. She was in possession of 30 Cent land, which was in her possession for last several years, given by her mother & brother and now 28 cent is gone for acquisition by NH. Village Officer physicially verified and took 6 years tax and recommended for pattayam to land tribunal. Now the revenue inspector is delaying his report, since the Jenmi of land made a fabricated deed for that land in 1999. Jenmi never paid any tax so far. What can we do?

Apply to land tribunal for pattayam

Try to obtain Pattayam.

Pattayam is treated as the title of land awarded by government to a  land holder. There are several types of pattayam.

  1. Pattayam for Government land – Occupied land - Kerala Land assignment Act.
  2. Pattayam for Government land – Non occupied land - Kerala Land assignment Act.
  3. Pattayam for Government land -  Beneficial enjoyment - Kerala Land assignment Act.
  4. Pattayam for Government land-   Special purposes - Kerala Land assignment Act.
  5. Pattayam for Private Land - Kudikidappu - Kerala Land Reforms Act.
  6. Micha Bhoomi pattayam - Kerala Land Reforms Act.

The need of pattayam arises 3 situations.

  1. When government land is required for personal purpose.
  2. Regularisation of occupied government land.
  3. When a land holder needs proof of ownership.

Assignment of land means a transfer of Government land on registry to the persons eligible and includes byway of Lease and a grant of Licensefor the use of land. Occupied land means government land in possession before 01/08/71 and continuing. Beneficial enjoyment means government land required for the smooth enjoyment of the present private land in possession of the applicant. Pattayam is issued to a family or person for housing and agricultural purposes. There are special rules for assignment of pattayam for special purposes such as  assignment forest land , cultivation of  rubber, cardamom, tea and coffee, rehabilitation of agricultural labours,  vayanadu colonization scheme and industrial purposes. The purpose, process and procedure for assignment is different in panchayath, municipal / corporation areas. 

How to apply ?

There are prescribed forms of  applications which are available in our website. The following factors have to be ensured before giving application.

1. Which Rule is applicable?

2. Whether the land is suitable for Assignment?

3. What is the Purpose of Assignment?

4. Whether it exceed the Maximum limit?

5. Check whether the applicant is eligible for  assignment?

6. Check whether the application is  in the correct form.

7. Check Enclosures.

What are the enclosures required? 

  1. Personal identification details such as copy of  adahar card/ration card.
  2. Land identification details – sketch from a licensed surveyor.
  3. Records proving eligibility for assignment.

What is the maximum assignable area of government land  in panchayaths?


Plane area


Hilly tract area


Municipality Corpn. Assigning authority.
Personal cultivation.

1 Acre Wet or  Dry (unoccupied Land)

1 Acre Wet or Dry(occupied Land without improvement 01/08/71)

2 Acre Wet or  Dry(occupied Land with improvement)


1 Acre Wet or 3 Acre Dry (unoccupied Land)

1 Acre Wet or 3 Acre Dry(occupied Land without improvement)

2 Acre Wet or 4 acre Dry(occupied Land with improvement)


No Provision No provision

Tahsildar/Spl Tahsildar


House site


15 cents 15 cents  10 cents 5cents

Tahsildar/special tahsildar.


Beneficial enjoyment. 15 cents 15 cents 5 cents 3 cents

RDO in  Panchayath.

Collector in Mun/Corpn

Commercial No provision No provision 10 cents 5 cents Collector
Kaivasa rekha 10 cents 10 cents  5 cents 5 cents Tahsildar.

What are the general principles to be  observed after  receiving pattayam?

  1. Pattayam issued for a specific purpose should be used within one year. It should  not be used for other purposes even after the sale of assigned land.
  2. Pattaya land is heritable and alienable.But it should not be disposed within the prohibited period. But it can be pledged. The period of restriction for sale in various pattaya land  is as follows.

          1. Land Tribunal pattayam - No restrictions.

          2. Michabhoomi(KLR) - 20 years.

          3. Assignment pattayam(occupied Land) - No restrictions .

          4. Assignment pattayam (unoccupied)  - 12years.

          5. Vanavakasa niyamam  - No restrictions.

          6. OLH scheme - 25 years.

3. Royal trees/Reserved trees in the assigned land must be preserved.

Royal trees- Teak, Rose Wood, Ebony & Black Tree.

4. Pattaya sketch and Pattaya mahazar should be obtained along with pattayam.

5. Pattayam should be mutated  and land tax paid soon after its receipt. 

Discuss your land problems with us. We provide total solution to your land problems- . A jamesadhikaram company of land experts – 9447464502.  Service available all over Kerala

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