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Should I contact the DofEd Ombudsman, CFPB or TISLA to obtain an accurate and objective status for my husband's student loans during the disputed period, considering the discrepancies between Mohela and FSA records?
Should I contact the DofEd Ombudsman, CFPB or TISLA to obtain an accurate and objective status for my husband's student loans during the disputed period, considering the discrepancies between Mohela and FSA records?
Abbey Johnson, Helping with Student Loan Documentation
Answered on October 02,2023
Answered on October 02,2023
The servicer is the one that feeds the data to the feds so it's very odd that the history doesn't match. Unless that period was with a different servicer. In the end..the account adjustment.. assuming that's why you are asking..is going to use the Ed data. If that's not in your favor I would email MOHELA and ask that the discrepancy be escalated. Include a copy of the Ed file. Expect the research to take a few months.
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