What are the advantages of a business setup in Dubai free zones?

Starting a business in a Dubai free zone brings multiple advantages. These include:

0% income tax
Being based in a Dubai free zone allows you to enjoy a number of tax benefits, which means you keep more of your profits. Business owners can enjoy 0% income tax rate and no customs taxes, excluding import products sold to the mainland. However, VAT is also applicable for business owners in a non-gated free zone, such as Meydan, who wish to do business with a gated free zone.

100% foreign ownership
Unlike mainland businesses in Dubai, free zones permit 100% foreign ownership – which can be more attractive for companies owned by foreigners.

Specialist support for your business
Free zones in Dubai are designed to be attractive for entrepreneurs, providing numerous perks and support as you get your company up and running.


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If you want to set up your business in a Dubai Freezone, these are the benefits you will get to enjoy:

  • Tax Reliefs

There are no personal or corporate taxes to worry about. You will be able to save a lot of your capital for furthering your business prospects.

  • Zero Import and Export Duties

Another benefit of business setup in Dubai free zone. This will help in cutting down your operational costs and thus increase your profits.

  • 100% Foreign Ownership

Unlike many countries, you will get complete ownership of your business. Plus, you will get 100% repatriation on your profits.

  • Geographical Advantage

The Dubai free zones are always set near places like airports, seaports, highways, etc. This will benefit your business by great measures. This makes the transportation and logistics work faster and easier.

When building a business in Dubai freezone, the odds aren't worth considering. It is a no-brainer. If you want to accelerate your business growth, you should go ahead with your decision.

But do research about the various free zones available. Each free zone is suited for certain types of businesses. So your research should be top-notch.

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