What are the benefits and rewards to students from YIP 2021?

Prize money for qualifying candidates apart from the project grants.

  • Rs 25,000/- each for the district level winner teams.
  • Rs 50,000/- each for the State winner teams.

Apart from these cash rewards at the district and state levels, the students will be given financial and mentoring support to convert their ideas into working models; the support will be continued for three years. The participants will be a part of K DISC’s innovation ecosystem including access to mentor-mentee platform and training in Design Thinking, business model development, IPR, Research Methodology and Social Entrepreneurship modules.

  • Provide the expertise, support and connections needed to become impact / business focused entrepreneurs or innovative researchers.
  • Give them a better grounding by connecting to research institutions / partner institutions with scholarships.
  • Help them build a career around the innovations, researching, re-discovering, incubating, and accelerating the innovation

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