What are the government schemes for women entrepreneur in Kerala? Will there be any subsidies or grant or loan at low interest rates? Planning to start a Wellness business. Not purely IT. There will be initial capital investments of 60 lakhs.

The Government of Kerala has launched several schemes to support and promote women entrepreneurs in the state. Some of the schemes that you may consider for your wellness business include:

Mahila Coir Yojana: This scheme provides financial assistance to women entrepreneurs engaged in coir-related activities, such as coir production and coir-based products. The scheme provides a subsidy of up to 30% of the project cost, subject to a maximum of Rs. 10 lakhs.

Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana: This scheme aims to empower women farmers and promote their participation in agriculture and allied activities. Under this scheme, women entrepreneurs engaged in agriculture and related activities can avail loans at low interest rates, ranging from 3% to 7%.

Annapurna Scheme: This scheme provides credit facilities to women entrepreneurs engaged in the food and catering industry, including restaurants, hotels, and food processing units. The scheme provides loans of up to Rs. 50,000 at a subsidized interest rate of 6.5%.

Kerala State Women's Development Corporation (KSWDC): KSWDC is a government agency that provides financial assistance, training, and other support services to women entrepreneurs in the state. The corporation provides loans at low interest rates, ranging from 4% to 6%, to women entrepreneurs engaged in various businesses.

Apart from these schemes, there may be other schemes and programs available at the district or local level that you can explore. Additionally, you may consider seeking the assistance of professional business advisors or consultants who can help you with the process of availing these schemes and also help you in setting up and managing your business.

Please note that there may be changes in the schemes from time to time.

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