What are the major difference between traditional digital Signatures eco system and new eSign online Electronic Signature Service?

Madhav Madhav
Answered on February 06,2020

In the traditional Digital Signature System, an individual is responsible for applying for a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) to CA, key pair generation and safe custody of keys. The Certifying Authorities issue Digital Signature Certificate to individuals after verification of credentials submitted in the application form. Such Digital Signature Certificates are valid for 2-3 years. Individual can affix digital signature any time during the validity of Digital Signature Certificate. The certificates are revoked in case of loss or compromise of keys. The verification of the individual’s signature requires the verification of whether the DSC is issued under India PKI and also ascertaining the revocation status of the DSC. Key pairs are stored in Crypto Tokens which comply with standards mentioned in the Information Technology Act & Rules to prevent the duplication of keys. It is individual’s obligation for safe custody of Crypto Tokens. The signatures are created using the keys certified by CA. In the new eSign online Electronic Signature Service, based on successful authentication of individual using e-KYC services, the key pairs generation, the certification of the public key based on authenticated response received from e-KYC services, and digital signature of the electronic document are facilitated by the eSign online Electronic Signature Service provider instantaneously within a single online service. The key pairs are used only once and the private key is deleted after one time use. The Digital Signature Certificates are of 30 minutes validity, and this makes verification simple by eliminating the requirements of revocation checking. Document that is signed using eSign will contain a valid digital signature that can be easily verified using standard methods.

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