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What are the various forms required for registering, renewing , opposing trademarks ?
What are the various forms required for registering, renewing , opposing trademarks ?
Answered on February 09,2018
Answered on February 09,2018
Following are the forms required for trademark registration, renewal, opposition, cancellation etc.
- For filing new applications there are prescribed forms depending on the nature of application such as Form TM-1, TM-2, TM-3, TM-8, TM-51 etc.
- For Renewal of a Regd. trademark (Form TM-12 ).
- Surcharge for belated renewal (Form -10)
- To file a Notice of Opposition to oppose an application published in the Trade Marks Journal (FormTM-5).
- Restoration of removed mark (Form TM-13)
- Application for rectification of a registered trade mark (Form TM-26)
- Official search request (Form TM-54).
- Preliminary advise of the Registrar as to the registrability of a mark (Form TM-55).
- Copyright search request and issuance of certificate (Form TM-60)
All the forms and fee required for them is available here.