What is District Innovation Council?

The District Innovation Council shall be the district arm of K-DISC. The following programmes shall be implemented by the District Innovation Council during the year 2021-22.

Building up Innovation Ecosystem in the District

A dictionary definition of innovation is a “new idea creative thoughts, new imaginations in the form of device or method. In our context we define innovation as better solutions that meet new requirements unarticulated needs or existing market needs. Innovation processes involve identifying a recognise need, competent people with relevant technology and finding financial support, carrying out a proof of concept /pilot in the real life conditions and develop a community of users to develop the use case further through scale up


An innovation ecosystem describes the various players, stakeholders and community members that are critical for innovation. An innovation ecosystem is sought to be created in the state by K-DISC as a part of its flagship programme. Through local and district level partnerships with academic/research institutions, innovators, local governments, private enterprises etc.

KDISC District Innovation Council

It is proposed to organise the following activities in districts as a part of the ecosystem building

1) Registration of educational institutions in the district as a part of the Innovation Ecosystem in the district

2) Registration of research institutions in the district as a part of the Innovation Ecosystem in the district

3) Registration of National institutions as centres of Excellences in the district

4) Registration of nodal officers in educational institutions as a part of the innovation eco system

5) Registration of facilitators in educational institutions research institutions and national institutions as a part of the innovation ecosystem

6) Registration of mentors in educational institutions, research institutions and national institutions as a part of the innovation ecosystem

7) Registration of ideas as a part of the annual Young Innovators Programme challenges by students in the schools and researchers in the research institutions which are part of the innovation ecosystem

8) Facilitate mentee, mentor and facilitator boot camps in districts strengthening the ecosystem further

9) Organise road shows for innovation promotion linking academic institutions, research centres and centres of excellence with K-DISC.

10) Organise district level trainings on innovation.

11) Develop a District Innovation plan for district panchayats and corporations. Five such plans to be developed in pilot basis in 2021-22.

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