What is Kerala State Development Corporation for SCST Ltd?

Kerala State Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Development Corporation is a Development Finance Corporation established in 1972 for the economic and social upliftment of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the State. The Corporation enables the economic empowerment of the targeted population by providing them with the necessary capital assistance to run their profitable self-employment ventures in suitable areas and earn income. For this the Corporation is implementing micro loan schemes and small and medium loan schemes with a project cost of INR 50,000 / – to INR 50 lakh. In addition, the Corporation provides loans to meet the vital needs of the targeted population such as housing, education and marriage of daughters. Notable among these are the housing loan scheme up to Rs 10 lakh, education and foreign education loan schemes up to Rs 2 lakh to Rs 10 lakh and the marriage loan scheme up to Rs 2.50 lakh.

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