What is LLP Form 11 ?

Form 11 is an Annual return that is to be filled by all LLPs irrespective of turnover during the year. Even when an LLP does not carry out any operations or business during the financial year, Form 11 needs to be filed. Apart from Basic information about Name, Address of LLP, details of Partners/ Designated Partners, other details that need to be declared are :

  1. Total contribution by/to partners of the LLP
  2. Details of notices received towards Penalties imposed / compounding offenses committed during the financial year

It must be e-filed on the MCA portal. The e-form has to be downloaded and filled in an offline mode. The pre-fill option is available to minimize your efforts and the Pre-scrutiny button is present to validate the data filled in. This is done before you submit the form online.

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Ishita Ramani Ishita Ramani
Answered on April 05,2022

LLP Form 11 is a summary of all the Designated partners whether there are any changes in the management of LLP or not. Every LLP has to mandatorily file Annual returns and financial statements with the Ministry even if they are not doing any business. It is a compulsory requirement of law that even NIL returns should be filed. We at Ebizfiling make it easy and convenient for you to file your annual returns.

To know more about our services and for a free consultation, get in touch with our team on  info@ebizfiling.com or call 9643203209.


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