What is Local Innovation Program of KDISC?

Local innovation refers to innovations by society members outside the framework of schools, colleges, and formal industries. The journey of Kerala into a Knowledge Society must make opportunities to identify innovators from all walks of life and provide the right support to nurture them for value creation. K-DISC will ensure the right ecosystem for identification and scaling of Local Innovation for risk mitigation, scaling, expert connect, and sustainable value creation. The process for promotion of Local Innovation will follow the Communities of Practice (CoP) guided Figure of 8 Innovation Lifecycle followed by the Balance Scorecard (Z curve) approach to translate co-creation to value creation at the local community level. It will leverage the Triple Helix+ model to integrate components of academia, industry, government, community, and environment.

The Triple Helix model captures the interplay or relationship between the government, industry, and academia. With the inclusion of the local government as well as the environment as a stakeholder, it becomes a Triple Helix + (quintuple helix) model.

local innovation program kdisc

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