What is Mazhavillu– “Teach Science for Kerala” program?

Mazhavillu Program inaugurated by the hon'ble Chief Minister of Kerala Shri Pinarayi Vijayan on 22 February 2018.In the first face this program is functioning following five Districts Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam, Thrissur, Palakkad, Kannur.  Mazhavillu – Teach Science for Kerala is a sequel to Manchadi. The objectives of Mazhavillu as envisaged in the project proposal are as follows:

  • Bringing in an element of history of science in science teaching.
  • Imbibing scientific temper and spirit of enquiry in children.
  • Developing critical thinking and analytical abilities in children.
  • Strengthen awareness of frontiers of science through experimentation and through open ended problem solving for innovation and exploration.
  • Demonstrating the method of science through experimentation and through open ended problem solving for innovation and exploration.
  • Application of the method of science to human problems and problems at the society-nature interface and society- science interface.

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