What is One District One Idea (ODOI) “MSME Innovation Cluster Development Programme”?

MSME Innovation cluster development programme, aimed at innovation promotion towards local economic development with a district–wise focus. ODOI is an innovation challenge programme for manufacturing clusters, medium and micro-enterprise clusters. Innovation and technology have been identified as the primary differentiators that can take the enterprises as well as the clusters to non-linear non-incremental growth. The programme aims at:

  1. Organisation and development of clusters
  2. Development of networks of MSMEs
  3. Development of strategic linkages between MSMEs and academic institutions, promoting innovation and strategy interested in working with MSMEs on cluster development

K-DISC could provide seed money for the innovation component identified in potential clusters and technology support for fostering innovation. Since the innovation framework cannot be isolated functionally from the overall programme of MSME development, KDISC will facilitate synergies with the existing Government of Kerala-Government of India schemes as well as, support schemes of banks and other financial institutions

A core group consisting of the following was setup for support the Innovation cluster development programme

  • District General Manager (Industries and Commerce)
  • State Resource Group (SRG) members in charge of peoples’ plan positioned by KILA at the district level
  • Assistant District Mission Co-ordinator (Micro Enterprise Promotion),
  • District Program Manager (Micro Enterprises) and District Program
  • Manager (Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme) of Kudumbashree
  • K-DISC mentor in the district nominated by Kerala Start-up Mission
  • A team of Academics including college teachers identified by K-DISC
  • An Energy/Power Sector expert nominated by the Energy Management Centre
  • District Programme Executive of K-DISC (Convenor).

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