What is Thandaper?

Thandaper Register is the register of land holders in a village. The details of land , category and  land tax payable, remittance details etc. will be entered in this register. When a new land  holder originates his name will be entered in the register by assigning a new number and his  land details will be entered in the register. This process is known as pokkuvaravu and the  number assigned to the land owner is thandaper number. 

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Vinay Vinay
Answered on March 18,2020

Thandaper is the revenue record of a property.

The revenue department of Kerala would demand Aadhaar details while paying land tax as it is set to roll out Unique Thandaper Number (UTN) to streamline land documents.

Unique Thandaper Number would help authorities identify the total land in possession of a person. At present, a person can register properties in the respective village offices after presenting different identification documents that may have different addresses. It creates difficulty for authorities to find the total land in possession of a person.

In Kerala, individuals are allowed to hold a maximum of 7.5 acres and families a maximum of 15 acres. Since there is no single number linking all transactions, it is impossible to know how much land an individual or a family is holding in various parts of the state. Once Aadhaar is linked, the land held under a single Aadhaar number can easily be detected.

By creating Unique Thandaper Number, it is easier to identify the total land in possession of a person.

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