What is the procedure and time frame for conducting the viability study in MSME?

Reshma Reshma
Answered on February 03,2020

The decision on viability of the unit should be taken at the earliest but not later than 3 months of the unit becoming sick under any circumstances. The following procedure should be adopted by the banks before declaring any unit as unviable: A unit should be declared unviable only if the viability status is evidenced by a viability study. However, it may not be feasible to conduct viability study in very small units and will only increase paperwork. As such for micro (manufacturing) enterprises, having investment in plant and machinery up to Rs. 5 lakh and micro (service) enterprises having investment in equipment up to Rs. 2 lakh, the Branch Manager may take a decision on viability and record the same, along with the justification. The declaration of the unit as unviable, as evidenced by the viability study, should have the approval of the next higher authority/ present sanctioning authority for both micro and small units. In case such a unit is declared unviable, an opportunity should be given to the unit to present the case before the next higher authority. The modalities for presenting the case to the next higher authority may be worked out by the banks in terms of their Board approved policies in this regard The next higher authority should take such decision only after giving an opportunity to the promoters of the unit to present their case. For sick units declared unviable, with credit facilities of Rs. 1 crore and above, a Committee approach may be adopted. A Committee comprising of senior officials of the bank may examine such proposals. This is expected to improve the quality of decisions as collective wisdom of the members shall be utilized, especially while taking decision on rehabilitation proposals. The final decision should be communicated to the promoters in writing. The above process should be completed in a time bound manner and should not take more than 3 months.

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