What is the process to record my land under my name after registration in Kerala?

Once you have registered your land, the land will be recorded in land records automatically. Sub-registrar will send it to Village Officer and Village Officer will approve it and keep in the land records. If there are any issues, the Village Officer will call you.

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Niyas Maskan Niyas Maskan, Village Officer, Kerala verified
Answered on April 12,2020

Due to hectic work schedule at Village Office, sometimes the digitization process might take longer than expected and Village Officer might not be able to approve the required documents on time. In that case, to be on the safer side and to expedite the process, you can visit the village office with a draft copy of your land records (Aadharam) that you have received from Sub registrar's office and a form for Pokuvarav , which you will get from Sub-registrar's office.In this way, you can get it approved in 1-2 weeks and start paying land tax thereon.

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