Advisory for Indian Students Going to Azerbaijan for Education

Written By Gautham Krishna   | Published on April 29, 2024

Following is the advisory for Indian Students going to Azerbaijan for education by the Ministry of External Affairs.

Information for students who obtain their Degree/Diploma in Azerbaijan

India has become a signatory to the "Hague Convention" on Apostille.

Consequently, the earlier system of legalization and attestation/legalization of Diplomas by Missions has been dispensed with. Respective countries could straight away accept Apostilled documents. The Azerbaijan authorities have instituted the process of Apostille. The
Mission is no longer attesting "Apostilled" documents. Mission does not attest any documents pertaining to the application for screening test of the National Board of Examinations for registration with the MCI/NBE. 

Information for Indian students who plan to come for study to Azerbaijan

It is mandatory for all documents pertaining to educational qualification to be Apostilled in India. (Class X & XII Board Certificates/Bachelors Degree/Masters Degree etc.).

Advisory for Indian Students on Fees, Hostel, Medical Facilities in Azerbaijan

All the Indian students seeking admission in Azerbaijan educational institutions are advised that they should obtain full information in advance on the accreditation of the Institution in Azerbaijan with MCI/AIU.

Students are further advised to check directly with the Institution in Azerbaijan with respect to exact fees per semester, fees escalations issues, hostel facility, health care and medical facilities in the city of their study in Azerbaijan. All students should directly approach the
concerned Institution to get full and clear information.

Students must check in advance of the hostel facilities available at the university that he seeks admission to. Hostels at many universities are inadequate and do not offer any boarding facilities. Students are generally expected to cook their own food.

It is also strongly recommended that they should obtain full medical insurance, including insurance cover for medical treatment and accidents, before entering Azerbaijan. The students are also advised to seek medical advice before travelling to Azerbaijan and it is suggested that in case of any medical situation requiring complicated treatment or major surgery (particularly requiring general anaesthesia), students should try and have the treatment done back in India.

All students are also advised to take their visa in India itself from the Embassy of Azerbaijan in New Delhi.

Safe Custody of Passports and Original Certificates

Passport and original certificates are the property of the concerned student and should not be given any foreign authorities for safe custody. No one has any authority to take away passports. Students must always keep their passports with them. Police officials can demand to see the passport, visa and registration at any time. All students coming to Azerbaijan to pursue higher studies are requested to kindly register with the Indian Mission as soon as they arrive in


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