Advisory for Indian Students Going to Uzbekistan for Education

Written By Gautham Krishna   | Published on April 29, 2024

Following is the advisory for Indian Students going to USA for education by the Ministry of External Affairs.


1. Clarify about the reputation/standing of the Institute and the courses offered before applying for admission to the Institute.

2. Contact the Institute directly for detailed information instead of depending on intermediaries. In case of doubt seek information from the concerned Mission in India.

3. Bring enough money for support for the entire duration of the course. Suitable arrangements with banks in India may be made for timely transfer of money.

4. Cost of living is little higher than that in India. Aspiring students should bear in mind the high cost of living and make preparations accordingly.

5. Seek prior clarification about the validity of the Degree offered by Institute in India.

6. Seeking admission to Institutes in the Capital should be preferred over those located in outlying regions.

7. Health care facilities available are not at par with that available in India. Health care facilities/health insurance/medical emergencies should be properly clarified from the Institute.

8. Considering the relatively harsh winter aspiring student should be medically fit to withstand extreme weathers.

9. Proper/full time Visa should be obtained from the concerned Mission before departing for the country.

10. Students should be aware of customs regulations and immigration rules before departure.

11. After arrival students should register themselves in accordance with country’s law.

12. Students are advised to register with the Indian Mission and regularly keep in touch.

13. Students should always carry proper identification papers/travel documents while traveling.

14. The Indian Mission should be contacted on emergencies or for seeking clarification.


1. Don’t approach agents or persons of dubious credentials to seek information about the Institutes and courses offered.

2. After admission into the Institute don’t indulge in overt religious activities.

3. Students are advised not to indulge in political activities or form political unions.

4. Don’t take part in political or religious gatherings and stay away from political activities.

5. Try to keep away from activities of NGO and don’t enlist as a member.

6. Don’t venture to remote/border areas of the countries.

7. Don’t indulge in activities considered illegal in the country.

8. Don’t get involved in serious offences like narcotics, smuggling and humantrafficking.

9. Don’t travel without carrying proper identification papers/travel document.

10. Don’t violate the law of the land and respect local customs and traditions.


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