How to get Birth Certificate in Mizoram?

Written By Gautham Krishna   | Published on April 20, 2020

Birth certificate of Mizoram is an official record of a child. A Birth certificate is an immutable document that guides our identity; allowing us to receive a social security card, a driver’s license, and a passport.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility for applying the Birth certificate is any citizen or foreigner who is born in Mizoram.

Documents Required

The following are the documents required for obtaining Birth Certificate in Mizoram.

  • Address proof (Voter ID, Driving License, etc.) of parents

  • Aadhaar Card of Parents

  • If the birth takes place at a house, the citizen has to approach the local body (with address and Aadhar as stated above) and inform in writing. Then it will be verified & the certificate will be issued as applicable

  • Application form

  • Name of the Parents

  • Certificate of Doctor OR Hospital discharge certificate

Application Fees

The application fees for Birth Certificate in Mizoram is INR 100.

There will be no fees for applying Birth Certificate within 21 days of Birth.


What are some common queries related to Birth Certificate Mizoram?
You can find a list of common Birth Certificate Mizoram queries and their answer in the link below.
Birth Certificate Mizoram queries and its answers
Where can I get my queries related to Birth Certificate Mizoram answered for free?
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