How to get Income Certificate in Durgapur?

Written By Gautham Krishna   | Updated on January 15, 2021

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An income certificate is an official statement provided to the citizen by the state government confirming his/her annual income. The certificate contains the details of the annual income of a person/family from all kinds of resources.

Eligibility Criteria of Income Certificate in Durgapur

The applicant should be a resident of Durgapur.

Documents Required for Income Certificate in Durgapur

The documents required to obtain an Income Certificate in Durgapur are provided below.

Residential Proof:

Any of the following documents.

  • Residential Certificate issued by S.D.O

  • Aadhar card

  • Passport

  • Driving License

  • Ration Card

  • Govt. Id card

  • Defence ID Card

  • PAN Card.

Income Proof:

Any of the following documents.

  • Salary Certificate

  • Income proof from Gram Pradhan/ Municipality Councilor

  • Income tax return acknowledgement.


Applicant's passport size photograph.

How to apply online for Income Certificate in Durgapur?

  • Login to West Bengal eDistrict portal. After logging into the West Bengal eDistrict portal, the Home page appears. It shows the comprehensive list of services under the West Bengal eDistrict. The list includes the service name and tentative timeline to avail of the service. The home page contains several panels showing the number of applications for each module of services, such as Social Welfare Scheme, Registration of Societies, Land Records and Revenue Court Services, Services of Labour Department, Certificates and Licenses.

  • Click on ‘Income Certificate’ available under the column ‘District.

Income Certificate Apply Online Durgapur

  •  ‘Instructions and Requirements of Income Certificate’ page opens up. Click on "Apply".

  • Fill up the Applicant's required details such as basic information of the applicant, present address, education details, parent or husband details, particulars of stay for last 15 years etc.

Income Certificate Apply Online Durgapur Basic Details

  • After the applicant fills up the application form, click on Save & Next button. Application details will become visible.

  • The applicant can either proceed further by attaching supporting documents, or can cancel it, or might take a printout of this page.

Income Certificate Apply Online Durgapur Supporting Documents

  • The applicant can view the application details and supporting document list before the submission of the application form for the Income Certificate.

  • Click on "Submit" to apply.

  • When the application is successfully submitted, the applicant receives an acknowledgement. This contains the application summary and the contact details of the person to be contacted for further queries.

Apply through Citizen Kiosk/CSC

  • Visit the nearest Citizen Kiosk/CSC (Tathya-Mitya Kendras) with the required documents.

  • The operator will fill in the required information on your behalf.

Approval Process

Approval for Rural Applications

In the first level of approval for the Income Certificate, the applications from rural applicants are sent to associate BDO for verification. If the application and the supporting documents are alright, BDO forwards the application to EO for the offline query. BDO can also reject the application or send it back to the applicant for correction. EO conducts the offline enquiry and if the enquiry is positive, EO updates the status in the system and forwards the application to the respective BDO. EO can also reject or send back the application as per the situation. BDO forwards the application to SDO. SDO can either approve or reject or send back the application. In certain cases, SDO forwards the application to ADM, who will take the final decision for approval. The final approver will have to digitally sign the certificate. Finally, the citizen/ CSC/ kiosk operator will take the printout of the digitally signed Income Certificate.

Approval for Urban Applications

In the first level of approval for the Income Certificate, the applications from urban applicants are sent to the associate SDO for verification. If the application and the supporting documents are alright, SDO forwards the application to EO for an offline query. SDO can also reject the application or send it back to the applicant for correction. EO conducts the offline enquiry and if the enquiry is positive, EO updates the status in the system and forwards the application back to the respective SDO. EO can also reject or send back the application as per the situation. SDO can either approve or reject or send back the application. In certain cases, SDO forwards the application to ADM, who will take the final decision for approval. The final approver will have to digitally sign the certificate. Finally, the citizen/ CSC/ kiosk operator will take the printout of the digitally signed Income Certificate.

Track Status of Income Certificate in Durgapur

Follow the below steps to track the status of the application.

Income Certificate Durgapur wb online check

  • Enter 16 digit Application Identification Number field generated at the time of submission of the application to track the status

You can also track status by sending SMS to 51969 or 166 in the following format.

SMS (wb edist 16 digit AIN)

Download Income Certificate in Durgapur

  • The citizen can check the status of the application from the View Status menu. The citizen can also view the list of approved applications from the Approved Application link on the Home page

  • Click on Approved Applications

  • Select the service name from the list for the approved applications

  • When the applicant clicks on the Certificate icon, the Income Certificate opens on the screen below. The applicant is also able to print out the certificate.


The service is free of charge.

Time Required to get of Income Certificate in Durgapur

Income Certificate will be issued within 7 working days of submission of application.


What are some common queries related to Income Certificate West Bengal?
You can find a list of common Income Certificate West Bengal queries and their answer in the link below.
Income Certificate West Bengal queries and its answers
Where can I get my queries related to Income Certificate West Bengal answered for free?
Tesz is a free-to-use platform for citizens to ask government-related queries. Questions are sent to a community of experts, departments and citizens to answer. You can ask the queries here.
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