How to get Social Security Scheme in Belagavi?

Written By Gautham Krishna   | Published on February 19, 2020

The Government of Belagavi is implementing several Social Security Schemes at Taluk level for helpless, disadvantaged and destitute widows and disabled persons

Eligibility Criteria

  • The applicant’s annual income should not exceed INR 6,000/-.

  • The applicant should belong to the BPL household, and her husband is legally dead.

Apply Online for Social Security Scheme

Follow the below steps to obtain social security scheme online in Belagavi.

Nadakacheri Belagavi Social Security Scheme

  • Click on "Apply Online".

  • Enter the mobile number.

Nadakacheri Belagavi Social Security Scheme Login

  • Click on "Get OTP" to receive OTP on your mobile number.

  • Click on ‘New Request’.

  • Select ‘Social Security Scheme’.

Nadakacheri Belagavi Social Security Scheme Login Page

  • Choose the language of the Scheme -English or Kannada.  

  • Select the service you are applying for.

Nadakacheri Belagavi Social Security Scheme Selection Page

  • Enter user details.

  • Select the Mode of Delivery, as Nadakacheri or Registered Post.

  • Upload the required documents for the social security scheme.

  • Click on ‘Save'.

  • Click on ‘Online Payment’.

  • Select the Card payment and Card type.

  • Click on ‘Make Payment’.

  • After successful payment, ACK no. will appear in concerned Nadakacheri’s for further process of application. The final certificate will be obtained from the concerned Nadakacheri center.

Track Status

Follow the below steps to track the status of social security scheme in Belagavi.

  • Visit Nadakacheri website.

  • Click on "Online Application".

Nadakacheri Belagavi Track Status Social Security Scheme

  • Select "Application Status".

  • Enter the Application type and Application number.

Nadakacheri Belagavi Application Status Social Security Scheme

  • Click on "Get Status" to know the status of your application.

Apply Offline

Follow the below steps to apply offline for social security scheme in Belagavi.

  • Fill the social security scheme application form.

  • Submit it at the nearest Nadakacheri or Municipal or Revenue office.

Apply through CSC

Follow the below steps to apply through CSC for social security scheme in Belagavi.

  • Fill the social security scheme application form.

  • Submit it at the nearest Common Service Center.

Get Social Security Scheme in Digilocker

For obtaining social security scheme in Digilocker, you need to create a digilocker account.

If you already have a digilocker account, follow the below steps.

Nadakacheri Belagavi Digilocker Social Security Scheme

  • Enter Username and Password.

  • Click on Signin to Login to your digilocker account.


    Enter Aadhaar number and click on 'Verify'.

  • Enter the OTP received on your mobile to Login to your digilocker account.

Nadakacheri Belagavi Digilocker Signin Social Security Scheme

  • Click on Issued Documents.

  • Click on Check Partners Section.

Nadakacheri Belagavi Digilocker Issued Documents Social Security Scheme

  • Select partner name as "Revenue Department- Nadakacheri, Belagavi" and service as "Social Security Scheme".

Nadakacheri Belagavi Digilocker Social Security Scheme

  • Enter the Acknowledgment Number.

  • Click on accept checkbox.

Nadakacheri Belagavi Digilocker Social Security Scheme

  • Click on Get Document.

  • Your required document will be fetched and Linked with DigiLocker Account.

Nadakacheri Belagavi Digilocker Fetch Documents Social Security Scheme

  • Click on issued documents.

  • Click on 'View Document'.


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