How can I fill land details while filling project details in K- RERA portal?
Answered on July 15,2021
Land area - Land area of the project for registration as per Development Permit.
Total Building Count (As per Sanctioned Plan) - Number of individual buildings in the project. Eg: In villa projects, total number of villas and, in case of apartment
projects, number of towers/blocks.
Total Floor Area of the project proposed for registration (As mentioned in the Building Permit) (in Sqmts) - Sum of all building areas mentioned in the building
Total Floor Area under Residential Use (As mentioned in the Building Permit) (in Sqmts) - Building area used for residential purpose.
Total Floor Area under Other uses (As mentioned in the Building Permit) (in Sqmts) - Building area mentioned in the building permit as commercial area or all types of
occupancy other than residential.
Number of Residential Units (As per Sanctioned Plan) - Total residential units in the project.
Number of Commercial Units (As per Sanctioned Plan) - Total number of commercial units in the project.