Home |Kerala Real Estate Regulatory Authority (K-RERA) Kerala Real Estate Regulatory Authority (K-RERA) Government of Kerala 49 Answers, 16 Claps, 5668 Views Share × Feeds Questions Answers Guides Is a small builder (who buy 5 cent land and make a house to sell ) is required RERA regfistration? Not required to register for 5 cent of land 1 0 7 How can i change PAN number of organisation while application for Rera is already done and project under scrutiny? The PAN number is issued by the Income Tax Department of India. Under RERA registration, it is part of the identity and accountability of a promoter. You can submit a correction application for the change. … 1 0 14 I applied for a home loan of 60 lakhs for a villa (actual cost 76 lakhs) in Kerala. The loan was approved and the project was also approved by the bank. Registration was supposed to be in next week. Now bank came up saying Builders charged on super built up area and plan is given in superbuilt up area.So, as per valuation by engineer of the bank, the loan can be given for 50 lakhs for built up area. What can be done as the project is rera approved one? As per the Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act, 2016, the promoter shall sell only the carpet area of an apartment /flat. The saleable area is the carpet area. In this case, the aggrieved party… 1 0 11 Whether landowner who share profit will come within the definition of a promoter under K RERA ? If the project land is owned by someone other than the promoter, the promoter should submit a registered joint development agreement at the time of submitting the project registration application. This… 1 0 37 How to make corrections in project or promoter details after the certificate generation on the Kerala RERA portal? Follow the below steps to make corrections in project or promoter details after the certificate generation on the Kerala RERA portal. Login to the K-RERA web portal and select “Project… 1 0 545 How can a real estate agent register on Kerala RERA (K-RERA) portal? Follow the below steps for registration of a real estate agent on K-RERA portal. To start, first, a promoter has to create a new user ID and password on K-RERA portal. All the projects done… 1 0 291 How can a promoter register a project in Kerala RERA (K-RERA) ? Follow the below steps for a promoter to register a project on K-RERA. To start, first, a promoter has to create a new user ID and password on K-RERA portal. All the projects done by the promoter will… 1 0 186 How to apply for Project extension on Kerala RERA (K-RERA) ? Follow the below steps to apply for Project extension on K-RERA. Login to the K-RERA portal and select “Project Extension” from the menu. Select the project you need an extension… 1 0 174 How to do a public search on K-RERA? As per Section 34 of RERA ACT 2016, Authority has to maintain a website with details of the registered projects/agents and those details as per Rule 17 to be displayed in the Authority web portal for… 1 7 136 Is there any method to track the status of complaints submitted to K-RERA? Complainants can track the status of their complaints on the Authority's website. Visit K-RERA Complaint List 1 0 28 Does sub division of a large parcel of land of 75 cents (3,035 sq. mtrs) in Kerala with the intent to sell these small plots require registration under RERA? No additional facilities are being provided and no advance is being taken. Consideration will be taken at the time of registration of property/transfer of title only. The development of lands exceeding 500 sqm with intent to market/sell should be registered with the Authority as a plot development project. 1 0 60 What is the fee for registration of Real Estate Agent in K-RERA? What is the validity? What are the documents required to get real estate agent's license? Agent Registration fee for -Individual - Rs. 25,000/-Other than individual - Rs. 2,50,000/-Registration certificate valid up to five years from issue date.Mandatory documents to be uploaded for… 1 0 326 As per K-RERA, What is the procedure to obtain registration to operate as Real Estate Agents? Create a new user in our Web Protal (https://reraonline.kerala.gov.in/) and apply online. Kindly refer to our manual for more information website at https://rera.kerala.gov.in/faq 1 0 144 Where should I complain if FB ad of a builder in Kerala doesnt have RERA registration number? You can directly complain to K-RERA or mail K-RERA with the details of the ad to info.rera@kerala.gov.in. 1 0 96 If an ongoing project is registered under K-RERA, then will the RERA Act be applicable for the entire project or will it be applicable only to units sold after registration? Once registered, RERA ACT is applicatable to the entire project. 1 0 43 As per K-RERA, will the real estate agent be responsible till the delivery of flats is done or is he responsible till documents are registered? The real estate agents shall provide assistance to enable the allottee and promoter to exercise and fulfill their respective rights and obligations at the time of booking and sale of any plot, apartment,… 1 0 2 If project is mortgaged by developer but it is not disclosed on K-RERA website, what is the solution ? Report or register a complaint against the developer with K-RERA 1 0 26 Can a builder change the plans of subsequent phases after registration of the 1st phase in K-RERA? The builders have the option to change the plans after registration of the project adhering to Rule 14 "Adherence to sanctioned plans and project specifications by the promoter" as per THE REAL ESTATE… 1 0 129 If a builder doesn't register on the Kerala RERA website, how can we complaint against him? You can inform K-RERA directly. K-RERA will send the show cause notice against the builder and a penalty will be imposed after the show cause hearing. 1 0 160 If the registration of a real estate project is canceled for any reason, how will the interest of the buyer, in such project, be protected by Kerala RERA? If the registration of a real estate project is canceled, the K-RERA has ample power to order the return of the remitted amount with interest and compensation to the allottees. In the case of revocation… 1 0 4 If there is a delay in getting possession of flat from the promoter, will the buyer of flat get interest on the amount paid by him? As per subsection 1 (b) of Section 18 of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016, if the promoter fails to complete or give possession of the apartment, plot or building by the date specified,… 1 9 168 How to know whether a particular Real Estate Project is registered under Kerala RERA or not? All K-RERA real estate projects details and their update will be available at: Kerala Real Estate Regulatory Authority Project Details 1 0 136 Is it mandatory for the promoter to obtain permissions for the real estate project before applying for registration to Kerala RERA? Yes , Promoter has to submit all the required permissions from other department before applying to K-RERA 1 0 18 റിയൽ എസ്റ്റേറ്റ് മേഖലയിൽ കമ്മീഷൻ ഏജൻറ് ആയി പ്രവർത്തിക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള യോഗ്യത എന്താണ്? അതിൽ നിയമപരമായുള്ള തടസങ്ങൾ എന്താണ്? The services of the real estate agent are intended to assist the allottee and promoter to exercise their respective rights and fulfil their respective obligations at the time of booking and sale of any… 1 0 24 If I am a small time builder in Kerala, do I need to register my project in Kerala RERA portal? The area of land proposed to be developed exceeds 500 Square meters means that any real estate project that is developed on land that has an extent of more than 500 Square meters to be sold as plots or… 1 0 5 How to file a complaint on Kerala RERA website? Are there any fees and charges for filing the complaint? Kindly visit Manner of filing complaints to get the details for the manner of filling complaints with the Authority and the fee for filing each complaint is Rs. 1000. 1 0 212 How soon will Kerala RERA resolve my complaint? As early as possible. 1 0 3 ഞാൻ വാങ്ങാൻ പോകുന്ന ഫ്ലാറ്റ് മരട് ഫ്ലാറ്റ് കണക് പൊളിക്കില്ല എന്ന് ഉറപ്പ് വരുത്താൻ ഫ്ലാറ്റ് വാങ്ങുന്നതിന് മുൻപ് എന്തെല്ലാം ശ്രദ്ധിക്കണം? Before purchasing a flat/apartment the purchaser has to verify the registration of the real estate project available on the website of the K-RERA. On the website, the status of the land can be seen by… 1 0 15 I have paid 20% for my flat which is under construction in Kerala. Is there any way to know the current status of my flat as I am abroad now? All registered real estate projects with Kerala Real Estate Regulatory Authority and its update will be available in the Authority web portal Search Project Details in K- RERA If the project is not registered… 1 0 31 How can I withdraw my application for project registration in K- RERA portal? Promoters can withdraw their applications submitted for registration of projects under application withdrawal menu. Promoters can only withdraw applications for which paymentis already done and registration… 1 0 202 Why am I not able to upload photographs in K- RERA portal? Photograph upload facility is only available for project quarterly updates. Once a project is approved in the online platform, this facility will be available for the particular project. 1 0 136 How can I submit completion of my project to the authority in K- RERA portal? Promoters are required to submit completion of their projects in Form 6 as per Kerala Real Estate Regulatory Authority (General) Regulations, 2020. 1 0 55 What is the plan of development work to be executed in K- RERA portal? These are the additional plans related to the project. Eg: fire plan, electrical plan, etc. 1 0 88 What is a land title search report in K- RERA portal? A land title search report is a past property document given by an advocate having ten years or more experience in the field of land related matters. 1 0 296 How can I add multiple documents in the same head in K- RERA portal? First, upload a document and then click on the “add” button showing the right side of that row. A new document upload field will appear with the same head, where you can upload similar… 1 0 29 How to add details in the “Add building” menu while filling building details in K- RERA portal? Promoters have to add details of buildings and plots in this menu. To add details of buildings, first provide basic details of the building then add apartment type details.Promoters can select apartment… 1 0 124 How can I fill contact details of co-promoter/ land owner while filling co-promoter/ landowner bank details in K- RERA portal? If the co-promoter/landowner doesn’t have a contact number, use the promoter's contact details. 1 0 73 What if the co-promoter/ landowner doesn’t have a PAN number while filling co-promoter/ landowner bank details in K- RERA portal? If the co-promoter/landowner/director doesn’t have a PAN card, use promoter’s PAN number. 1 0 32 Why am I not able to “add bank account details” in the menu for new projects while adding bank details in K- RERA portal? For new projects, there shall be no money collected from allottees. That is why this page is not accessible for new projects. Promoters can enter details of the amount collectedfrom allottees in the “Add… 1 0 63 How can I fill land details while filling project details in K- RERA portal? Land area - Land area of the project for registration as per Development Permit. Total Building Count (As per Sanctioned Plan) - Number of individual buildings in the project. Eg: In villa projects, total… 1 0 127 What is other promoter(s) (landowners/ investors) in the project while filling project details in K- RERA portal? If there are any landowners/investors in a particular project, promoters need to give details of them and upload agreement or MoU copy. 1 0 101 What are the project types and how can I choose my project type? There are five main types of projects in the dropdown and you can select “others” and specify the type of your project if it is not listed in the dropdown. Commercial- Commercial only project… 1 0 117 What is the track record of the promoter while filling promoters details in K- RERA portal and what if the promoter has no track record? It is the total number of years of experience and other details of projects the promoter has done till date. Both RERA certified and old project details can be updated . If the Promoter has no track records,… 1 0 40 How and when can I edit the promoter’s profile while filling promoters details in K- RERA portal? Promoters can edit their profile until they submit an application for registration. Promoters are not allowed to edit their details if there is any application for registration under scrutiny or at the… 1 0 253 How can I give past experience details while filling promoters details in K- RERA portal? For the option “Do you have any past experience as a promoter?”, choose “Yes”. Then, in “Add past experience”, you can enter your past experience details. 1 0 77 What is a newly registered or incorporated entity while filling promoters details in K- RERA portal? If your organization is a newly incorporated entity, then give option “Yes”. If there is a parent company for your organization, give the details in the web portal. 1 0 85 How can I enter an organization type that is not given in the drop-down while filling promoters profile in K- RERA portal? For those organization types that are not given in the dropdown, select “others” from the dropdown and you can enter the type of your organization in the textbox. Then, in “Addorganization… 1 0 46 What is the correction status in the Kerala RERA dashboard? After the Authority scrutinises the application, a certificate will be generated for your Project. If there is any correction required in the registered projects, Promoters can submit a correction… 1 0 129 How can I know about the status of my project registration application after registering in K-RERA portal? Once the project/ agent registration application’s mandatory fields are filled, “Application Status” will be shown as done. Once you make the payment and submit the application to authority,… 1 0 564 No questions added by Kerala Real Estate Regulatory Authority (K-RERA). Is a small builder (who buy 5 cent land and make a house to sell ) is required RERA regfistration? Not required to register for 5 cent of land 1 0 7 ഞാൻ വാങ്ങാൻ പോകുന്ന ഫ്ലാറ്റ് മരട് ഫ്ലാറ്റ് കണക് പൊളിക്കില്ല എന്ന് ഉറപ്പ് വരുത്താൻ ഫ്ലാറ്റ് വാങ്ങുന്നതിന് മുൻപ് എന്തെല്ലാം ശ്രദ്ധിക്കണം? Before purchasing a flat/apartment the purchaser has to verify the registration of the real estate project available on the website of the K-RERA. On the website, the status of the land can be seen by… 1 0 15 How soon will Kerala RERA resolve my complaint? As early as possible. 1 0 3 If I am a small time builder in Kerala, do I need to register my project in Kerala RERA portal? The area of land proposed to be developed exceeds 500 Square meters means that any real estate project that is developed on land that has an extent of more than 500 Square meters to be sold as plots or… 1 0 5 റിയൽ എസ്റ്റേറ്റ് മേഖലയിൽ കമ്മീഷൻ ഏജൻറ് ആയി പ്രവർത്തിക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള യോഗ്യത എന്താണ്? അതിൽ നിയമപരമായുള്ള തടസങ്ങൾ എന്താണ്? The services of the real estate agent are intended to assist the allottee and promoter to exercise their respective rights and fulfil their respective obligations at the time of booking and sale of any… 1 0 24 No Guides added by Kerala Real Estate Regulatory Authority (K-RERA).